
Showing posts with the label Historical place in Azerbaijan

Historical place in Azerbaijan burning mountain.

  Friends, can you imagine That in Azerbaijani there is mountain which has been on fire for the past 4000 years. Constantly burning. Through rains, Snowfalls, Hall storms, or even storms.This mountain is always burning. The Mountain is known as Yanar Dag. Literally translated to burning mountain side it is about 25km Away from baku, the capital Azerbaijan. The experience here Is amazing in winters. During snowfalls,the snowflakes dissolve in the air before touching the ground due to this fire. This fire has played a big role in history. Around the 1st millennium Bc,the religion of Zoroastrianism which worships fire,began here the name Azerbaijan comes from here. The word Azer means fire.That's why Azerbaijan is also called the land of fire.When venetian explorer Marco polo came here in the 13th century, smoked to see this mysterious phenomenon.but today, we know the simple, and scientific reason that is causing this Azerbaijan has a large amount of natural gas reserves. There i