Pakistan vs Islam

Pakistan vs Islam

Hello There!!

Yess its True Islam vs Pakistan

Acctually I'm saying this because of what is happening in Pakistan from the time it got independence till now.

First of all this is Disclaimer: I love my Pakistan cuz its my land I love it I want to make it happy but this is all I'm gonna talk about is just harsh Reality. I request request you to share this post so that more people get acknoledged. Thanks

Do you know that what is the Pusnishment of taking a bribe in Islam and giving a bribe do you know what is the Pusnishment to drink Alcohol once in life and especially how can I forget the recent case of Natasha Karsaz Accident what is the punishment of killing a person.

I would just talk about few punishments not all I mentioned and another Disclaimer:I'm not a Islamic scholar but every thing I would write here would be with my own research.

I'm for Justice gonna talk about Hazrat Umar e Farooq(RA)

Most of you maybe heard that incident when his(RA) son drank Alcohol when Hazrat Umar Farooq(RA) came to know this he ordered his son to be flogged 100 times as this is the punishment for drinking Alcohol in Islam. And when his son was being flogged, after 80 lashes, his soul flew away and ordered that the funerel be read and the remaining twenty be beaten on his Grave. This is not easy. Its really hard to look at son beaten and got killed in front of ones eyes a but after that when the punishment is done Hazrat Umar Farooq weeped and son I love you but I love justice even more then you. This is what justice called!!!

Another thing

Do you guys know what is the punishment for adultery in Islam?

let me tell you

If a person (weather a lady or a boy) who's not marreid are subject to adultery he would flogged 70 times and if a married lady or man did that act would burried till head and would be stoned till death and all the punishment would be given in a group of people and in the downtown so that people who are watching learn lesson.

I know that Islamic punishments are really strick but do you think that if these punishments would applied then no body will do adultery no body would drink Alcohol no one would be subjected of stealing something.

I hope that you have Understood what I'm saying this is all to keep the nation peaceful and no ones rights should die.

My Fears

I'm really afraid of that what will happen in Pakistan because a killer lady subjected that her mind is not in her control she was drunk in this way she would get punished double cuz one is she killed 2 people and one is she was drunk ok ok lets take it easy lets say it wasn't her mistake that she killed two people that was just an accident but what about that she was drunk she need to be flogged according to Islam. At least for the next time the people who are selling or going to drink alcohol would think about that incident 100 times.

This is what I got in this one if you want to watch a video of this then CLICK HERE

And don't forget to give me your opinion



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