HTML Cheat Sheet: Your Ultimate Guide to HTML Essentials

Are you looking to master HTML but feel overwhelmed by all the tags and attributes? Don't worry; I've got you covered! In this HTML cheat sheet, I'll break down the most essential HTML elements and attributes to help you build your web pages with ease. Let's dive in:

### Basic Structure:


<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>Your Title Here</title>






### Essential Tags:

- `<html>`: Defines the root of an HTML document.

- `<head>`: Contains meta-information about the document.

- `<title>`: Sets the title of the document (displayed in the browser's title bar).

- `<body>`: Contains the content of the document.

### Text Formatting:

- `<h1>` to `<h6>`: Defines headings of different sizes.

- `<p>`: Defines a paragraph.

- `<strong>`: Defines important text.

- `<em>`: Defines emphasized text.

- `<br>`: Inserts a single line break.

- `<hr>`: Defines a thematic break (horizontal rule).

### Links and Images:

- `<a>`: Creates a hyperlink.

  - `href`: Specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.

- `<img>`: Embeds an image.

  - `src`: Specifies the URL of the image.

  - `alt`: Provides alternative text for the image (for accessibility).

  - `width` and `height`: Sets the dimensions of the image.

### Lists:

- `<ul>`: Defines an unordered list.

- `<ol>`: Defines an ordered list.

- `<li>`: Defines a list item.

### Tables:

- `<table>`: Defines a table.

- `<tr>`: Defines a row in a table.

- `<td>`: Defines a cell in a table.

- `<th>`: Defines a header cell in a table.

### Forms:

- `<form>`: Defines an HTML form.

  - `action`: Specifies where to send the form-data when the form is submitted.

  - `method`: Specifies the HTTP method to use when submitting the form (GET or POST).

- `<input>`: Defines an input control.

  - `type`: Specifies the type of input control.

  - `name`: Specifies the name of the input control.

  - `value`: Specifies the initial value of the input control.

### Miscellaneous:

- `<div>`: Defines a division or a section in an HTML document.

- `<span>`: Defines a section in a document.

- `<style>`: Defines style information for a document.

- `<script>`: Defines a client-side script.

### Comments:

- `<!-- Comment Here -->`: Inserts a comment in the HTML code (not visible in the browser).

With this HTML cheat sheet at your fingertips, you'll be able to create stunning web pages in no time. Remember to practice and experiment with these elements to become a pro in HTML development. Happy coding!


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