HTML Cheat Sheet: Your Ultimate Guide to HTML Essentials
Are you looking to master HTML but feel overwhelmed by all the tags and attributes? Don't worry; I've got you covered! In this HTML cheat sheet, I'll break down the most essential HTML elements and attributes to help you build your web pages with ease. Let's dive in: ### Basic Structure: ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Your Title Here</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> ``` ### Essential Tags: - `<html>`: Defines the root of an HTML document. - `<head>`: Contains meta-information about the document. - `<title>`: Sets the title of the document (displayed in the browser's title bar). - `<body>`: Contains the content of the document. ### Text Formatting: - `<h1>` to `<h6>`: Defines headings of different sizes. - `<p>`: Defines a paragraph. - `<strong>`: Defines important text. - `<em>`: Defines emphasized text. - `<br>`: Inserts a single...